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Bro Gwaun

Last Updated: 204 days ago

TRANSITION BRO GWAUN – the Transition group active in Fishguard, Goodwick and the surrounding area of south west Wales – started in 2008. It brings together local people to share ideas, skills and resources so that we can live more sustainably and explore ways of making the necessary transition into our challenging future.


  • Develop renewable energy opportunities. Our community wind turbine is now operating and will, in the future, provide income for the community to spend on a range of sustainable and environmental projects. We are also looking into the possibility of a tidal flow turbine.
  • Reduce carbon emissions by preventing unwanted food going to landfill. We collect from local shops and businesses and turn perfectly good surplus food into affordable, healthy meals for sale in Transition community cafe.
  • Provide information and organise community activities to help people gain awareness and develop practical skills for sustainable living.
  • Find allotments and community growing areas; organise seed and plant swaps and ‘grow your own’ events.
  • Work in partnership with other local organisations to promote our message e.g. at the Farmers Market, the Fishguard Carnival and Show, the annual Food, Jazz and Folk Festivals.
  • Encourage local organisations to make use of our premises e.g. as a venue for meetings, fund-raising and community events.
  • Provide work experience and employment opportunities particularly for young people, disabled people and the long term unemployed.
  • Host a Credit Union service point in the Community Cafe.
  • Sell our eco-shopping bag – with a ‘Save our Planet’ design by a local school child.

Please go to web site at for more information.

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