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Övergång i Kings (TiK)

Senast uppdaterad: 214 dagar sedan

Transition in Kings, or TiK, was founded in 2011 to develop a local response to the challenges of creating similar initiatives on a local scale. You can read about our vision for the low-carbon community and our aims on our website

Our flower logo, represents our aims to build a resilient community by making changes to areas affected by climate change, each petal of the flower representing a theme for change: transport, food, energy, waste etc.

Getting involved

There are many ways you can get involved with Transition in Kings, come along to our monthly open meetings (2nd Saturday of each month) or if you are feeling energetic join us on one of our community digs at the TiKoff Farm.

Please vists our website for further information or use the contact us button on this page.

Kontakta Övergång i Kings (TiK)

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