Transition Town Lewes (TTL) is a voluntary organisation with many dedicated people offering their time, effort and knowledge to help make Lewes a thriving and sustainable community. Since early 2007 hundreds of Lewes people have been getting together to discuss ideas and put them into action.
We’ve formed groups around food, energy and waste (to name but a few) with the aim of making Lewes more sustainable and better able to deal with the effects of climate change and depleting oil supplies in the future.
TTL is helping people prepare for this coming change on a community level The more we can provide our basic needs locally, the better prepared we’ll be for a myriad of changes, including economic fluctuations. TTL, alongside many other transition communities in the international Переходная сеть, is working on a blueprint for living without reliance on oil. We’re a network of local people with varying skills and interests who, by preparing and adapting to the changes ahead, are stepping onto the pathway to a positive future.