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Связисты сообщества

Last Updated: 141 days ago
The group is self-managing and drawn together from across the local activist networks. Our events and task groups involve a great deal of participatory leadership and devolution of teams, so it's hard to give neat numbers to these questions. The core of Community Connectors is often in flux, depending on people's capacity and appetite for meta-connection. At the moment that's fairly small group.
Неконституированный (группа индивидов)
В некоторой степени активный
  • Общественный центр или деятельность
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Искусство / творчество
  • Видение сообщества / работа с воображением
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Проекты в области местной экономики или новой экономики
  • Благополучие или внутренняя трансформация
  • Деятельность в области социальной справедливости / справедливого перехода
  • Другое

Community Connectors is an attempt to cultivate links between a broad range of people and projects making a difference in and around Middlesbrough.

It’s a series of spaces for local groups to support each other. This could involve sharing resources and knowledge, or just giving each other moral support as we work to make change in our local communities.

Community Connectors is broad, emerging, interconnected and community-led. The entire network is linked as a transitions initiative but we have an ‘Eco Sphere’, dedicated to hosting conversations and bold collaborations that reimagine and rebuild our locality.

Our current Eco focused activities include: Huddle (space to meet up and check-in at the start of the week. Great for activists to be vulnerable and connect without any expectation to do more). Urban Rebirth (a networked approach to placemaking and urban interventions including alley makeovers and public living rooms). Mixing Pot (events where we invite guests to share a thought provoking talk, followed by World Café style conversation). Blueprint (a festival of radical ideas and experiments for a transitioning world)

Across 2025 we’ll be mapping more of what’s going on in Middlesbrough. Please get in touch if you’re keen to make connections


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