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Last Updated: 133 days ago
Não constituído (um grupo de indivíduos)
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento comunitário
  • Outros projectos alimentares
  • Natureza
  • Bem-estar ou Transição Interior
  • Partilhar, reparar ou reutilizar

Welcome to Transition Woodbridge!

Transition Woodbridge is a community-led group that aims to strengthen the local economy, reduce the cost of living and prepare for a future with less oil and a changing climate. Transition works by bringing people together to discuss the problem and then to create their own collective story of the future they would like to see. A positive story of a positive future that then leads on to positive and achievable local action. Transition is not a set of answers. There are no guidelines. No rigid rules. Every community has to create its own vision and define its own priorities.

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