Overgang Keighley
Last Updated: 134 days ago
The group has been inactive since Covid so we haven’t run any activities or events for a few years. We are looking to relaunch the group and gain new members through organising events
Wij zijn een opgerichte gemeenschapsgroep
Enigszins actief
- Groeiende gemeenschap
- Andere voedselprojecten
- Gemeenschapshub of activiteiten
- Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
- Gemeenschapsvisie / verbeelding
- Lokale netwerken opbouwen
- Delen, repareren of hergebruiken
Everything is still very new but I will post details as we have more information
- We are just relaunching this group which started around 2008 as there has been a huge increase in interest. We are reimagining Keighley to help us to build a socially just and resilient future for the town