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Hythe Milieugroep

Last Updated: 92 days ago
Ongeconstitueerd (een groep individuen)
Zeer actief
  • Groeiende gemeenschap
  • Andere voedselprojecten
  • Natuur
  • Gemeenschapshub of activiteiten
  • Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
  • Delen, repareren of hergebruiken
  • Andere

Hythe Environmental Community Group (Transition Hythe, zoals het heette) is een al lang bestaande en drukke transitiegroep in Kent. Onze projecten omvatten voedsel, energie, flora en fauna, afval en welzijn.

We have a highly active gleaning group, that rescues produce that would go to waste in Kent’s fields and provides it to 40+ outlets (charities, food banks, schools, other community groups). Our community Hythe Hops scheme has 250+ members and produces local beers. We hold regular plant/seed swaps and, with our own apple press (available to lend to other groups as well), we have an annual apple pressing day.

We have regular walks, talks, monthly litter picks, and a community orchard. We also have an electrical goods reuse and recycling scheme which operates each week and has rescued many appliances while ensuring many tonnes have been fully recycled.

Plenty more details about these and other activities are on our website. We are always very keen to welcome new participants and to hear from people with interests in setting up new projects.

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