
- Groeiende gemeenschap
- Natuur
- Gemeenschapshub of activiteiten
- Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
- Lokale netwerken opbouwen
- Delen, repareren of hergebruiken
- Transport
- Andere
Haslemere is situated within Surrey on the borders of Hampshire and West Sussex.
Our historic market town dates back to the early 13th century and is one of the gems of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Our population of just over 15,000 enjoy the joys and benefits of the surrounding woodlands and hills, many under the protection of the National Trust.
Transition Haslemere was set up in 2008 by local residents concerned about the advancing climate emergency and sustainability crisis. It is an unincorporated not for profit association and follows the model of the Transition Network. It continues to undertake a range of projects, including promoting active travel, running a community allotment, operating a secondhand bookstall, informing and raising awareness, and networking with local like-minded organisations and individuals.
Transition Haslemere does not have formal membership. There is a core group of active supporters, with many others participating in projects and events on an ad hoc basis. The organisation also often works in partnership on projects, for example with the Haslemere Active Travel Group, National Trust, Love Haslemere Hate Waste and Haslemere Vision.
Main meetings take the form of monthly ‘green drinks’ held in a local pub in the evening of the first Thursday of the month (held online during the Covid-19 pandemic) – and ‘green coffee’ or ‘green walk’ in the morning of the third Wednesday of the month. These are open to all.
We publish a monthly email newsletter to subscribers. You can sign up for it at info@transitionhaslemere.org. We maintain a website – transitionhaslemere.org – and a Facebook page – Transition Haslemere Live.
Transition Haslemere is an open and active group that has an established presence in the town and has coordinated and led efforts to improve local sustainability. We welcome interest and participation by anyone who shares our outlook and concerns.