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Last Updated: 218 days ago
The Onion Garden (TOG) is dedicated to inclusivity, welcoming all, irrespective of background. Our ethos is non-political, non-religious, non-profit, and non-discriminatory. We engage diverse audiences, from the disadvantaged to the advantaged, even integrating rough sleepers into our volunteer team. Collaborations span local authorities, charities, and businesses, enhancing our community-driven approach. TOG is a space for artists, musicians, teachers, and children, promoting a sense of belonging for all communities. We prioritize free activities, ensuring affordability, and minimal costs for collaborations. Open to volunteering and new ideas, we ensure all initiatives are widely communicated, fostering community engagement and visibility.
  • コミュニティの成長
  • 自然
  • フェスティバル、見本市、イベント
  • アート/創造性
  • コミュニティ・ビジョン/イマジネーション・ワーク
  • ウェルビーイング、あるいは内なる移行
  • 青少年または教育プロジェクト
To ensure the Onion Garden is a hub of creativity and fun, we'll infuse the founder Jens Jakobsen's vibrant and innovative approach to flower construction throughout the garden's activities. Our diverse programs include: Creative Workshops for Varied Audiences: We regularly host a range of creative activities, from sustainable cooking workshops to DIY projects, catering to different groups, including children-focused events. Engaging and Fun Educational Approach: Our content delivery is less academic and more entertaining, involving artists and other creative professionals to make learning about climate action enjoyable and memorable. Promoting Awareness through Fun Activities: Activities like interacting with our beehive will educate visitors about pollinators, while plant and tree displays will highlight urban environmental challenges and solutions. Accessible Climate Dialogue: We're dedicated to making the dialogue around climate change more accessible, concrete, and entertaining, reaching a broader audience and encouraging individual action.

The Onion Garden (TOG), a Community Interest Company in Westminster, UK, transformed an unused tarmac into a thriving garden with 150+ plant species and soon a beehive. It’s a community hub for diverse groups, from locals to the disadvantaged, promoting health through nature. Led by Jens Jakobsen and 15-20volunteers, TOG aims for carbon neutrality and environmental education, hosting events like the ‘Reclaim’ exhibition to emphasize its climate action commitment.

連絡先 オニオン・ガーデン
