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Átmenet Tufnell Park

Utolsó frissítés: 426 nappal ezelőtt
Not as many people running live events at the moment, but more people involved through the mapping project
Constituted - in transition
Valamelyest aktív
  • Természet
  • Közösségi központ vagy tevékenységek
  • Fesztiválok, vásárok vagy rendezvények
  • Művészet / kreativitás
  • Közösségi jövőképalkotás / képzeletbeli munka
  • Helyi hálózatok kiépítése
  • Szállítás
  • Egyéb
At this stage the old core group has disbanded, and most live events / projects have waned. The main activity is re-networking through our community map.

Our History

Transition Town Tufnell Park began in 2010, and is part of the rapidly growing Transition Town network, locally, nationally and globally.

Over the years, the Transition group has set up and run green social evenings, community gardens, energy projects, film screenings, a local market, foraging events, bicycle rides and more!

We are looking for new people to come in with fresh ideas and capacity to take things forward!

The core group disbanded a few years ago because of other priorities , and most of these projects have now fizzled out. The main project we are working on is a local community map, to help us re-locate ourselves in our communities. We need people to help to develop this, and carry it forward!

The Transition Town movement is a positive response to the challenges of diminishing cheap oil, coupled with climate change and a fragile financial system.

The Context of Transition

The idea is to move away from everything in our lives depending fossil fuels and move towards a less polluted, more sustainable lifestyle.

It’s also about re-finding a lost sense of community; we can’t face these challenges ourselves, nor rely on others to so the work for us – we must get in to groups and work together.


Kapcsolat Átmenet Tufnell Park
