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Islington éghajlati központ

Utolsó frissítés: 204 nappal ezelőtt
The Islington Climate Centre runs a variety of events from clothing swaps to screenings of environmental films to repair parties and workshops. After two years, we now know which draw in the most engaged and interested parties. A recent collaboration with clothing rental hub Loanhood saw at least 100 people coming into the centre for a really bustling clothing swap.
Nagyon aktív
  • Természet
  • Közösségi központ vagy tevékenységek
  • Művészet / kreativitás
  • Közösségi jövőképalkotás / képzeletbeli munka
  • Helyi hálózatok kiépítése
  • Helyi gazdasági vagy új gazdasági projektek
  • Jólét vagy belső átmenet
  • Társadalmi igazságosság / Igazságos átmenet tevékenységek
  • Ifjúsági vagy oktatási projektek
  • Megosztás, javítás vagy újrafelhasználás
  • Energia
Our approach is community-focused but diverse, approaching the climate emergency from all angles: no part of society will be unaffected by the emergency, which means all parts of society must be engaged and dynamic. From educational facilities to local business, from local government to individuals, our aim is to meet people where they are in their efforts to address the climate and ecological emergency and then to deepen their response to the polycrisis. Notably, our motto is Engage, Inform, Connect. One of our most regular and successful events is the Climate Fresk workshop, which is now delivered in large companies and community groups across the UK, but we also act as a hub for other social and environmental justice groups in the area to meet.

Launched in 2021, the Islington Climate Centre is a lively hub for local community groups and residents who want to address the impact of the changing climate on one of North London’s most vibrant boroughs.

Kapcsolat Islington éghajlati központ
