- Közösségi növekedés
- Megosztás, javítás vagy újrafelhasználás
- Energia
- Egyéb
Transition Bristol [lásd idővonal] egy önkéntes vezetésű kezdeményezés, amely kezdeményezte, támogatta, lehetővé tette és inspirálta sok szomszédság és városi szintű ellenálló képesség projektek Bristolban.
Established in 2007 as a Limited Liability Company Registered by Guarantee, Transition Bristol and neighbourhood Transition Initiatives in the City helped stimulate Bristol’s ‘Green Capital’ movement, and helped create many projects that have left a strong legacy, including for example Shift Bristol, Bristol Pound, The Community Farm, Bristol Food Network, Bristol Energy Cooperative, Sims Hill Shared Harvest, Bristol Energy Network and several local Farmers Markets.
The Transition Movement in Bristol in effect comprises hundreds if not thousands of people engaged in Transition-related actions in the City. As time has gone by, many people may not even be aware of the key role played by the Transition Movement in helping these projects to come into being. In 2017 the company was dissolved, and the Transition Bristol Initiative continues as a tiny team of volunteers, all of us involved in transition related activities. Our timeline shows just some of the many transition related events in the City. We have an active Facebook page, and you can email us