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Sustainable Keswick

Last Updated: 214 days ago
Very Active
  • Nature
  • Community hub or activities
  • Youth or education projects
  • Energy
  • Transport


I am a member of Sustainable Keswick. We were founded in 2007 by a group of volunteers in Keswick and surrounding villages and have continued for 13 years to help with local research, education and action on the threat of climate change. We would like to join the Transition Network to better communicate with our peers and allow local people to find us. Also to help educate ourselves more on the threat of climate change.

We organise many activities around the area, including our Green Get Together’s, which are open to the public, and invite speakers to discuss topics related to the threat of climate change to encourage and educate local people. We are also close with local businesses and offer our knowledge and time to encourage change from ‘business as usual’ that may be affecting the environment. Currently on the initiative for a community solar panel project.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,


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