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Sudbury and District

Last Updated: 213 days ago

Transition Sudbury & District was set up in 2011 by the Sudbury Market Town Partnership. We have worked on several projects such as a Reward card to encourage the public to use their local independent retailers and to shop locally.  An Eco Fair and we arranged for the public to visited four places of interest in the area which were either conservation or worked with eco principles in mind such as wind turbines/solar pannels/water mill for energy and buildings made of straw. We have also worked closely with Suffolk Climate Change and organised a DIY greener homes scheme to provide every household with energy saving products. Since 2011 we have held swop shops to encourage the public to bring along unwanted items and others to take them away to reduce landfill.  Film shows in various locations including schools, showing films such as “300 years of peak oil in 300 seconds” and “In Transition”.  We have held two forums on climate change led by Tim Yeo MP and two eco fairs to demonstrate sustainable living.  We have organised talks, visits and walks, apple pressing days, plant/seed swops, supported the Greener Homes DIY scheme and lots more.   In 2013 we started working with Greeniversity to give people the opportunity to volunteer to each or learn a ‘green skill’ to use in their local community, all classes are free.Please contact us if you would like more information or visit

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