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Long Ashton

Last Updated: 144 days ago
Unconstituted (a group of individuals)
Somewhat Active
  • Community Growing
  • Nature
  • Festivals, fairs or events
  • Wellbeing or Inner Transition

Transition Long Ashton started in June 2008 and caused a huge ripple of enthusiasm, with public meetings around energy, transport and food production the following winter.

Settled successful initiatives now include a monthly Village Market, Long Ashton Growers who communally grow veg on one acre, Grow It Group a monthly support group for food growers, Heart and Soul which meets every few weeks, Apple Day which is annual in October, Wassailing in January, Chicken Share of 14 people managing 25 hens, Heaven Scent Garden a new prodcutive garden in an unused part of the burial ground……

We have a reputation in the village for getting things done, and are recognised as the biggest new thing for many years.

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