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Transition Salt Lake

Last Updated: 793 days ago

In response to the many challenges facing our community, Transition Salt Lake fosters resilient, viable relationships between people, communities and the natural world which gives us life. The end of the Age of Cheap Oil is rapidly coming upon us. Life will radically change. Transition Salt Lake represents a proactive response to this coming change.

Rebuilding local agriculture and food production, localizing energy production, rethinking healthcare and transportation, rediscovering local building materials aiming towards zero energy building, rethinking how we manage waste — all of these build resilience. They also offer the potential of an extraordinary renaissance in Salt Lake – economic, cultural and spiritual.

Let’s embrace a world of deeper connections, interdependence, and more fun with less “stuff”. Let’s join together and take steps towards making a nourishing and abundant future a reality. It’s already starting.

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