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Tallahassee (Transition Initiative)

Last Updated: 111 days ago
Unconstituted (a group of individuals)
Somewhat Active
  • Youth or education projects
  • Energy

Transition Tallahassee is an upstarting community organization that focuses on three issues: peak oil, climate change, and the economic crisis accompanying peak oil.

We work to raise awareness in the Tallahassee community about these three pressing issues, as well as to aid and initiate local alternative infrastructure that will help smooth the transition away from fossil fuel energy, mitigating climate change and easing economic hardship in the process.

We strive to create a network of concerned community members and people with skills and knowledge that can help us make this much-needed transition.

We work at the community-level, and believe that relocalizing economy and building strong local communities is the best way to meet the coming challenges.

We recognize that Tallahassee, being a city with over 180,000 residents, is a very large entity to attempt to transform into a post-oil, tight-knit community, and therefore it is our goal to branch off into smaller neighborhood-based initiatives.

We do not discriminate based on ethnicity, sex, gender ID, sexual orientation, class, etc, but rather work to achieve a post-oil community that protects the rights and well-being of all these groups. We always incorporate environmental justice concerns into our efforts.

We need your help! We would like to eventually form issue-based subgroups, facilitated by people with knowledge and skills in particular areas. Ideas for subgroups include:

Reconnection with Nature | Inner Transition (Eco-psychology) | Reskilling | Local Business Support | Education | Local Government Outreach | Local Food | Sustainable Transportation | Local Oral History

If you would like to get involved, please get in touch with:

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