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Fidalgo & Friends

Last Updated: 728 days ago

Transition Fidalgo & Friends had its origin back in 2006 when we were known as Skagit Beat the Heat, an all-volunteer group focusing on climate change issues.  We’ve evolved into a transition initiative in order to expand our focus to include peak oil, as well as to shift to a more positive tone to engage more of the community, and to tie into a growing regional transition network.  Visit our website to access our book Living Well, Living Green in Skagit and Whatcom Counties, find info on our local cookbook, Serving the Skagit Harvest, and learn about our upcoming talks, films, skill-share workshops and 7th Generation Suppers!  We also encourage you to loin our online forum and share ideas about how we can build resilience and reduce energy on Fidalgo and Guemes Islands.  Let’s make our island home a place of low fossil-fuel energy, high community energy!

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