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Ealing Transition Initiative

Last Updated: 213 days ago
We have a live contact list of 1250 Steering Group is 8. Projects approx 8
Unconstituted (a group of individuals)
Very Active
  • Community Growing
  • Other food projects
  • Nature
  • Community hub or activities
  • Community visioning / imagination work
  • Building local networks
  • Share, Repair or reuse
  • Energy
  • Other
We manage a Community Garden/allotment, care for a Community Orchard also used as an outdoor classroom by Forest School groups, host a Repair Cafe, a Bee Project (CSA model), host an Air Quality Monitor with Mums for Lungs, facilitate the Solar Schools Project a partnership which has 17 installations so far & received 5 rounds of funding from the Mayor of London, helped found and engage with ActForEaling a community partnership including the Council which works for community engagement, have run around 70 public events, including film showings, talks, reskilling festivals and community planning Open Space events. We took the lead in pressing the Council to declare a Climate Emergency and then help create a Climate Action Plan through community involvement. Curently we are working in partnership with West London University, Ealing Food Partnerhip and ActForEaling on a programme around sustainable, healthy and accessible food,which has included public events which have enabled us to engage further with local commercial ans community cinemas.

Practical local action on climate change, energy and food security.

Ealing Transition Initiative has been set up with the following aims:

  • To develop awareness of climate change, and motivate people to change accordingly;

  • To describe a low energy future and plan how to get there;

  • To help build Ealing’s self-reliance in areas such as food, energy, jobs, community and economy

  • To act as a focal point / hub for the people of Ealing to exchange ideas and skills.


Contact Ealing Transition Initiative

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