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Kirkbymoorside Environment Group - Une ville en transition

Dernière mise à jour : Il y a 214 jours
The Kirkbymooorside Environment Group was founded in 2005 by Petra Slangen. In 2008 we applied for Transition Town status and achieved it in 2009. The first Transition Town in North Yorkshire. We have several sub-groups, details of which can be seen on our website. Our large scale events attract great crowds, particularly Give or Take Days, twice a year, and a recent addition: an Eco Fair in September.
CIC (société d'intérêt communautaire)
Très actif
  • La culture communautaire
  • Autres projets alimentaires
  • Nature
  • Centre ou activités communautaires
  • Festivals, foires ou événements
  • Construire des réseaux locaux
  • Projets d'économie locale ou de nouvelle économie
  • Justice sociale / Activités de transition équitable
  • Partager, réparer ou réutiliser
  • Transport

Here at Kirkbymoorside Environment Group (KMEG) we want to help put the Transition principles into action in practical ways in our community.

That means using some of our spare time, energy and skills in activities that support:

  • local food production
  • local energy generation
  • waste reduction
  • reuse of unwanted materials
  • sustainable transport
  • protecting the natural environment
  • and a thriving local community less dependent on fossil fuels

Contact Kirkbymoorside Environment Group - Une ville en transition

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