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We have a Food Coop with about 14 participants and a Community Orchard with regular monthly volunteer workdays, average 12 volunteers.
Muodostamaton (ryhmä yksilöitä)
Jonkin verran aktiivinen
  • Yhteisön kasvattaminen
  • Muut elintarvikehankkeet
  • Paikallisten verkostojen rakentaminen
  • Jaa, korjaa tai käytä uudelleen
  • Energia

Transition Town Poole brings together people wanting to learn more about living lighter on the planet, providing a forum to share ideas and tips. We want a better Poole that is low-carbon, socially just, healthier, economically sustainable and gentle on the Earth.

We try to support and create positive projects for change, helping people to reskill for a low-carbon economy, to be less reliant on oil, to reduce their personal carbon footprint, and to rebuild a sense of community.

Transition Town Poole Meeting Dates
  • We meet occasionally.
  • Abundance Apple juicing in Poole High Street annually in October outside the Spire Wesley’s Café in the High Street.

Please email for details.

Ota yhteyttä Poole

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