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Last Updated: 215 days ago
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Transition Liverpool

Invites you to share ideas on practical responses to Peak Oil and Climate Change. Hear the latest facts and insights into the issues and discover how people are responding to them locally and nationally. Find out how we can unleash our creativity to shape Liverpool’s transition from energy dependence to a sustainable, resilient and positive future.

Come and help make Liverpool a city ready for climate change and peak oil in a friendly atmosphere!


Transition Liverpool invites you to share ideas on practical responses to Peak Oil and Climate Change. Hear the latest facts and insights into the issues and discover how people are responding to them locally and nationally. Find out how we can unleash our creativity to shape Liverpool’s transition from energy dependence to a sustainable, resilient and positive future.

Come and help make Liverpool a city ready for climate change and peak oil in a friendly atmosphere!

How can I get involved?

Help us with one of our projects or support us with our communications.

Mersey Green Network Map

We are continuing to create a map of small, green local voluntary groups and businesses that pay a fair wage and source locally wherever possible. Find out more at: Mersey Green Network Map

If you are a local green voluntary group or business, please fill in this form to join our map.

sPark It

sPark It Liverpool is planning to take over the streets of our city, celebrating imagination, fostering collaboration, and starting a conversation about what we want from our urban landscape.

The project aims to:

Provide a platform for community groups, independent businesses and creatives

Excite, inspire and challenge through inspired reinterpretations of land use in urban areas

Build stronger community networks, provide opportunities for training, employment and volunteering.

Please get in touch with

Climate Cafes

These are offered to small green groups across Merseyside. They provide a space to talk about climate change and how it is making us think and feel over coffee and cake.

For more information, please contact or outside of Mersey Region you can get in touch with the Climate Psychology alliance.

Join Our Mailing List

If you’d like to receive our monthly newsletter or if you have content for us to include in the newsletter please email



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