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Hastings Siirtymäkaupunki

Viimeksi päivitetty: 171 päivää sitten
April 2015
Muodostettu ryhmä
Erittäin aktiivinen
  • Yhteisön kasvattaminen
  • Muut elintarvikehankkeet
  • Luonto
  • Festivaalit, messut tai tapahtumat
  • Taide / luovuus
  • Yhteisön visiointi / mielikuvitustyö
  • Paikallisten verkostojen rakentaminen
  • Hyvinvointi tai sisäinen siirtymä
  • Energia

Transition Town Hastings was initially established in 2008. In 2015, after a lull in activity, a new group was established with the following aims:

  • To respond to the challenges of climate change and over-dependence on fossil fuels and economic instability.
  • To support affiliated groups where possible in Hastings, St Leonards and Rother.
  • To provide practical examples of sustainable living.
  • To promote knowledge-sharing, raise awareness and encourage community participation and well-being.

We are an unincorporated, non-political organisation relying on a committed group of volunteers.

Our projects include a community garden, a community mosaic, a local Refill project, regular pot luck dinners and big lunches, film shows and speaker events and, in 2018, we set up a festival called Sustainability on Sea inspired by Sustainable St Albans.

See our projects here:

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