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Wessex Green Hub

Zuletzt aktualisiert: vor 141 Tagen
Nicht konstituiert (eine Gruppe von Personen)
Ziemlich aktiv
  • Andere Lebensmittelprojekte
  • Natur
  • Gemeinschaftliche Visions-/Vorstellungsarbeit
  • Projekte der lokalen Wirtschaft oder der neuen Wirtschaft
  • Transport

The Wessex Green Hub is a Community of Practice and Place to inspire, link and motivate businesses and organisations to tackle the climate emergency through regenerative and sustainable work practices. Wessex Green Hub brings together like minded individuals and organisations, in a living lab, to build and share good practice through projects and flourishing communities. We use our individual and collective agency to embed sustainable business models, circular design and supply chains and responsible management practices in an actionable, kind and ethical manner.

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