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Shrewsbury Transition Town (Transition Town Shrewsbury oder TTS)

Zuletzt aktualisiert: vor 147 Tagen
I can report that the Transition Town Shrewsbury (TTS) group has been in hiatus for a few years now. While that is unfortunate, we'd have loved to have kept the Transition Town focus for our town, I am pleased to note that many of our members are still busy little bees, still very active working on sustainable social development to effect the positive shifts we all need.
Nicht konstituiert (eine Gruppe von Personen)
Nicht aktiv
  • Gemeinschaft Wachsen
  • Andere Lebensmittelprojekte

Hello, if anybody is looking at this page I can report that the Transition Town Shrewsbury (TTS) group has been in hiatus for a few years now. While that is unfortunate, we’d have loved to have kept the Transition Town focus for our town, I am pleased to note that many of our members are still busy little bees, still very active working on sustainable social development to effect the positive shifts we all need.


Transition Town Shrewsbury has been part of the growing international movement seeking to tackle the twin challenges of diminishing oil and gas supplies and climate change. We want to imagine and create a future that addresses these problems, and creates the kind of community that we would all want to be part of here in Shrewsbury.

Kontakt Shrewsbury Transition Town (Transition Town Shrewsbury oder TTS)

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