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Melbourne Area Transition

Last Updated: 116 days ago
400+ Mitglieder für Whistlewood Common, aber höchstens 10% sind aktiv. Melbourne Area Transition existiert jetzt (Dezember 2023) nur noch dem Namen nach, weil Whistlewood all unsere Energien in Anspruch nimmt.
CIC (Gesellschaft von allgemeinem Interesse)
Sehr aktiv
  • Gemeinschaft Wachsen
  • Natur
  • Gemeinschaftliches Zentrum oder Aktivitäten
  • Festivals, Messen oder Veranstaltungen
  • Kunst / Kreativität
  • Aufbau lokaler Netzwerke
  • Projekte der lokalen Wirtschaft oder der neuen Wirtschaft
  • Wohlbefinden oder innere Wandlung

An initiative centred around the small South Derbyshire town of Melbourne, in existence since 2008 and with several successful projects to its credit including a 10kW Solar PV system on the roof of a grade 1 listed parish church, but now largely dormant (hoping for some younger folk locally to revive it!). Meantime, since 2013 the largest of this initiative’s projects, the community purchase of 10 acres of land (, has taken up most of our energies. We are transforming the landscape here to benefit community resilience, social cohesion, education around the big issues, and biodiversity, using permaculture agroforestry design techniques.

The global problems are ever more insistent and urgent. We would always like to do more than resources allow and invite all similar-minded folk in and around our vicinity to join us in doing what we can – and actually having quite a bit of fun in the process…

Kontakt Melbourne Area Transition

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