Transition Chesterfield
Last Updated: 126 days ago

We run several activities and various people just attend one or otherwise attend many. .
Unincorporated with a constitution.
Sehr aktiv
- Gemeinschaft Wachsen
- Andere Lebensmittelprojekte
- Natur
- Gemeinschaftliches Zentrum oder Aktivitäten
- Festivals, Messen oder Veranstaltungen
- Kunst / Kreativität
- Gemeinschaftliche Visions-/Vorstellungsarbeit
- Aufbau lokaler Netzwerke
- Teilen, Reparieren oder Wiederverwenden
- Energie
- Transport
- Andere
Some projects are run in conjunction with other groups.
Transition Chesterfield is a community group aiming to make our borough more resilient and sustainable. We seek to create positive local solutions to climate change. We support and run practical and creative projects, campaigns, events and workshops towards reaching net zero in Chesterfield.