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Last Updated: 760 days ago

Transition Saint Clair Shores Mission Statement:

In recognition of the profound and complex issues that modern human civilization faces, including fossil fuel depletion, climate change and increasingly globalized and unpredictable economic conditions, Transition Saint Clair Shores seeks to increase the resilience of the city of Saint Clair Shores and the surrounding bioregion. The term resilience refers to the ability of any system to remain stable despite disruption. To this end, Transition Saint Clair Shores pursues building community, fostering re-localization, and promoting a sustainable lifestyle for individuals and institutions as viable strategies for raising the level of resilience in our bioregion. Our organization promotes awareness of the many issues facing our world as well as grassroots, community based solutions rooted in the ethics and principles of Permaculture. We believe that strengthening our community, localizing our lifestyles, and designing ecologically and economically sustainable systems will carry on the community of Saint Clair Shores to a stable and prosperous future.

So far, our group has concentrated on raising awareness in the community about the Transition Movement and the social, economic and environmental challenges that humanity faces today.

Give us a call today (586)-871-2587 for more information

or Email Steve Kiluk at

We usually meet at Lakeshore Family YMCA on the second Thursday of most months.

Visit our website for upcoming events:
