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Last Updated: 770 days ago

 Sustain and regenerate.

There are so many amazing people and groups in the Ithaca area (including other parts of Tompkins county and beyond) the intentions for this group are to coordinate, collaborate, act and change.

Coordinate – our knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations to further our effectiveness

Collaborate – for a truly resilient transition that is enacted by all of us, without a central leader or governing body

Act – to work together, to bring our ideas to fruition, to be the change we want to see in the world

Change – resilience requires the capacity to change, acclimate, and adapt. There will be many changes in the coming years, our communities need to be able to flex and absorb the impacts 


So far, I am mulling this over and decided to begin action-oriented next achievable steps. Please join me, this can’t be done alone. Contact me at samuel(dot)bosco(at)gmail(dot)com
