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Market town: pop. 7000
Recovered from the events of Covid, which reduced the acitvities we were able to hold.
Major projects include:
We are in the early stages of opening a hub, promoting green issues, wellbeing and crafts. We have a pollinator project, planting around town to encourage wildlife. Also popular are our Big Green Fair, tree planting, an annual seed share and Community allotment. We run a food larder in conjunction with the local library.
Timeline: Started January 2007, became official February 2008
Our initiative is now known as Sustainable Crediton. We were previously called Crediton Climate Action. Our Core Group meets monthly. We have a monthly newsletter available to members or viewable online on our website at https://www.sustainablecrediton.org.uk/archives/2017.aspx
04/07/2020 Due to changes in volunteers this description has not been kept up to date. While the Covid-19 pandemic is on we will check it out and update. Sustainable Crediton is still very active, please see our website (newsletters are on the website) for up to date information.
We have several active action groups whose recent activities are described on the website. If you would like to join us please contact info@sustainablecrediton.org.uk or via the “join us” links on our website.
Report for major activities in 2015 and Plans for 2016
Please go to the link below for details
Report on major activities for 2014
Waste Action Group
A very successful year including: Christmas Tree Festival, plastic collections [4.1 tonnes collected], a recycling award to Charles for the plastic collection in Cheriton Fitzpaine and a ‘Give and Take’ pop-up-shop. The latter resulted in over 7,000 visits, the reuse of 7,000 kilos of unwanted goods, TV coverage and increased activity in the High Street – all very positive and enthusiastically welcomed by the public.
Woodland and Hedgerow Group
Coppicing and hedge laying have continued with a core group of 6/7 people and 3/4 others who come occasionally.
Транспортна група
Cycle rides have continued and a leaflet of rides around Crediton been distributed; work continues on a cycle route from Newton St Cyres to Half Moon with much enthusiasm and the Belle Parade route has been established.
Food Group
A foraging walk, jam and chutney making and a salad bar at the Food Festival were all successful. Community markets were less successful in 2014 and these have been discontinued at present. The 5th annual Seed Share was very well attended, running out of seeds, and enhanced by stalls, lunches and music from the Woodmen. Wild flower kits have been distributed. The chief executive of Garden Organic visited to promote saving of local seed varieties.
Other Events and Action
We have helped to organise two election hustings, responded to MDDC local plan review with comments on energy and housing in particular, reached a different audience at the Justice event organised by local churches, taken part in the Christmas parade and helped with Crediton’s Neighbourhood Plan.
Енергетична група
A large grant was gained to fund a feasibility study looking into community energy. This has involved public meetings, meetings with business owners, a meeting with Crediton Learning Community and surveys of lots of large roofs. The report should be finished soon and we are hoping for a viable project.
The site has had a major upgrade and 3 more editors have been trained. 219 new pages have added to the enormous amount of information available. Use is increasing all the time [8400 people have used it this year] and use is enhanced by Facebook posts. The newsletter goes out via the website to nearly 700 people, a 14% increase this year. Sarah reminded us about the market place facility for members on the site.
Report on major activities for 2013
Highlights for the year which saw us reach 650 supporters with our monthly enewsletter were:
Energy Group took part in DECC’s RHPP2 project and installed 8 renewable heating systems in Mid Devon homes.
A firewood for hedgerows group was formed which had 8 work parties throughout the winter months laying hedgerows and extracting firewood. The group recieved a grant from Awards for All for hedgelaying training which happened in December 2013.
Waste plastic collections took place every two months and upto 5 tonnes of plastic ( over 250 dumpy bags) were saved from landfill and recycled. The Waste Action Group lobbied the CEO of Mid Devon District Council to instigate plastic doorstep recycling.
Very well attended seminar in growth economics.
Our annual seed swap was held.
Household goods and clothes swap was well attended.
Monthly community markets were held during the spring and summer months.
A meditation group was formed and met regularly.
Sustainable Crediton took an active role in the 2013 Crediton Festival, organising several events and organising the recycling at the Food Festival.
Social cycling group formed with several local bike rides to further the aims of the Crediton to Exeter safe cycling route.
Gaia the Caberet performance was well supported.
Cut Heating Bills this winter seminar led to a group of 23 homes taking part in a draughts and energy tracing exercise in 2014.
Report on major activities for 2012
18 public events had been held in the past year, which is a record, and these have involved at least 100 supporters of Sustainable Crediton as volunteers. Highlights of the year included:
70 houses now having PV panels thanks to the Energy Group’s PV project,
Community markets being held on a regular basis due to the efforts of the Food Group and
the Waste Group’s organisation of three successful plastic collections and a clothes swap.
Many of those who have taken part are new to Sustainable Crediton which shows we are managing to reach out to the wider community. This was also the case when we ran a seminar with the Town Council in January this year attended by over 80 people.
Report on major activities for 2011
Reports on Activities for the Past Year
Transport Group – Main event ‘Crediton Legs It’ in Town Square with all sorts of low energy ways of getting along various routes. Now planning action on Tarka Line, promotion of electric bikes and working more with councils.
Waste Group – Various very successful recycling events which have been interesting and educational [both for us and the public]: recycling for the Big Sunday Lunch, three plastic collections at Morrisons, a litter pick and the Clothes Swap. Good to have scouts helping with plastic. Similar events being planned for next year. More active people would enable further ideas to be put into action.
Energy Group – PV project has been the focus this year, with public meetings, other publicity, over 150 members of our buying group and 70 systems installed – a quarter of a megawatt of capacity. Unfortunately the activity was curtailed through government action on the FIT payments in December, but a new publicity effort is being planned along with other ideas for the coming year.
Food Group – The Group has 14 people willing to help organise and 8 on the ‘keeping in touch’ list. Activities have included 4 Community Markets, a Seed Swap, Seasonal Suppers, keeping up the Crediton Local Produce website, issuing seasonal recipes and catering for various events. The Garden Share scheme is still ‘ticking over’ but has not been very successful due to lack of gardeners. A vegetable gardeners’ support group has just been started.
WEN – the year has been a quiet one, but they have still managed stalls, a Teddy Bears Picnic, slow food evenings, a clothes swap, the planting of 420 trees and decoration of a tree at the Christmas Tree Festival! Because the group consists mainly of young mums and busy people it’s difficult to find a suitable time to meet.
Stall Group – although only a couple of people this ‘group’ has kept Sus Cred stalls going in the High Street and at various events, given out many leaflets and encouraged people to sign petitions.
Other Activities – Presentations to MDDC have continued and a Seminar attracted over 80 people from a variety of businesses and organisations in Crediton; consideration is being given to how to carry this forward. Economics sessions were held and although this has not yet led to the formation of a group, there are moves to promote the Plough and Share Credit Union. The website is being revamped professionally in consultation with the Core Group and other group reps. A successful 5th Birthday Party was organised and a Christmas tree impressively decorated for the Festival.
Report on major activities for 2010
The Food and Farming Group has been involved in building local resilience by promoting the use of local food and growing your own food. To this end it has organised a seed swop in January 2010, an on-going garden share scheme, regular seasonal supper events, and has produced a web-based local produce directory (www.creditonlocalproduce.co.uk). The group also had a stall at the Crediton Food Festival in June.
The Energy Group held a very successful open house weekend demonstrating renewable energies and kitchen gardens during June 2010. There were about 200 visitors from the general public to the homes that were open. At the end of the year work was progressing towards the creation of a solar panel buying group.
The Waste Action Group has been looking at the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse Recycle and is now working with the 2 new supermarkets in Crediton, Morrison’s and Tesco’s, to help them meet their own corporate policies on waste. The group also organised the recycling at the Crediton Food Festival this year. Future plans include a clothes swapping event and a pilot plastics recycling project in Crediton.
The Education Group helped to decorate a live Christmas tree at the Crediton Christmas Tree Festival with home made decorations by a local primary school.
Core Group members Paula Mossman and Gerald Conyngham along with Simon Tytherleigh from Bradninch Climate Action ran a half day work shop on peak oil and climate change to senior members and councillors from Mid Devon District Council. A number of actions and recommendations from the workshop are being finalised for a report to be issued in January 2011.
The Sustainable Crediton Monthly Newsletter continues to flourish, due to the efforts of our volunteer editor, with around 400 recipients. The Sustainable Crediton website (www.sustainablecrediton.org.uk) has been completely redesigned and is visited on average by 50 people a day.
Report for 2009
The Food and Farming Group has been going just over a year and is involved in seed swops, a garden share scheme, seasonal supper events and is currently making a web-based local produce directory. They also had a stall at the Crediton Food Festival in June.
The Transport Group continues to promote cycling and public transport and a feasibility study is now being carried out for a cycle path between Crediton and Exeter. Co-Cars, a car share club has nearly 10 people signed up, with only 15-20 needed to make it feasible to go-ahead.
The Energy Group held a very successful open house weekend demonstrating renewable energies, and also ran a stall at the Mid-Devon show with Sampford Peverall group.
After the successful plastic bag campaign in 2008, the Waste Action Group has been looking at the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse Recycle and is now tackling the 2 new supermarkets in town. The affiliated group, Women’s Environmental Network held a number of events and runs a shared allotment.
The Education Group helped to decorate a Christmas tree for CCA at the Christmas Tree Festival and Gerald had just heard that QE 6th form are to organise a hustings event prior to the forthcoming elections this year.
The Tree Group has continued to raise the profile of trees and has planted 3 cherry trees and another 3 native trees are to be planted. On 24th Oct the Core Group organised the 350 day event “Crediton Counts”, to raise awareness of the dangers of CO2 levels rising above 350ppm. Over 300 people attended and 30 organisations signed pledges, as well as over 300 individuals.
Gerald and Laura took all the pledges to Copenhagen (by bike) and it was encouraging to see other local organisations showing their support for climate change.
The newsletter continues to flourish, due to the efforts of Paula Mossman, with around 350 recipients. The professional looking pdf version is put together by Jeff Bellingham. The website is kept well up to date and relevant by Charles Mossman and is visited by on average 30 people a day.