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Deborah Rim Moiso

Languages: English, Italiano
Topics: Effective Groups, Inner Transition, Transition Launch, Transition Talk
Countries: Italy, Switzerland
Regions: I am available to travel but I mostly work in Central and Southern Italy

Your trainer/facilitator bio

Organising and delivering Transition Trainings (Launch) since 2010 with the Italian Hub. I’ve run over twenty 2-day trainings, in Italian, with my colleagues in Transition Italia. Translator of Transition materials, and member of the “Transitionese” project to promote linguistic diversity in the Network (2016-2017). Lucky enough to support Rob Hopkins with interpretation when he’s in Italy (although his Italian is pretty good). Codesigner and host of online “Imaginary Leadership” training inspired by What If… thinking. Translator into Italian of Joanna Macy and Chris Johstone’s Active Hope. Parallel to Transition, 6 years experience as coach to youth for the EIT ClimateKIC’s Journey programme, the largest climate change summer school in the world. Facilitator with the IAF (International Association of Facilitators), and big fan of Open Space. If you have any projects/needs that involved building bridges with Italy, drop me a note.

Contact Deborah Rim Moiso

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