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Переходный период Кигли

Last Updated: 135 days ago
The group has been inactive since Covid so we haven’t run any activities or events for a few years. We are looking to relaunch the group and gain new members through organising events
We are a constituted community group
В некоторой степени активный
  • Выращивание населения
  • Другие продовольственные проекты
  • Общественный центр или деятельность
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Видение сообщества / работа с воображением
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Обмен, ремонт или повторное использование
Everything is still very new but I will post details as we have more information
  • We are just relaunching this group which started around 2008 as there has been a huge increase in interest. We are reimagining Keighley to help us to build a socially just and resilient future for the town

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