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Переходный период Бьюдли

Last Updated: 180 days ago
Coordinating group of 6. 30+volunteers help with the Repair Cafe. 25 volunteers involved in CARP. Much of the effort now goes into supporting the Green Alliance and volunteers come from various groups such as XR, Wyre Forest Vegans etc to support joint activities.
Очень активный
  • Общественный центр или деятельность
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Обмен, ремонт или повторное использование
  • Энергия
  • Транспорт

A small group that has in the past run Energy, Food and Land groups. Currently run: A monthly Repair Café (third Saturday of each month in St. Georges Hall).

Founder members and prime movers of Wyre Forest Green Alliance which now has over 50 member organisations and a combined membership of 7,000 plus.

WFGA runs annual Sustainability Festivals across the district, organises regular Greener Fairs, workshops, and meets regularly with District Councillors and elected members.

As well as being closely involved with all the WFGA initiatives and organising most of them, Transition Bewdley also runs: Green Drinks evening once a month.

Transformers group, upcycling materials into useful and or artistic items

CARP (Communities Against River Pollution) in partnership with local Friends of the Earth and others, testing pollution levels in the River Severn.

River Energy District heating scheme which has received funding for phase 1 feasibility and is about to apply for phase 2 feasibility and realisation funding. The scheme has potential for providing all the heat energy for all commercial and domestic premises in Bewdley by 2030.

Recently commissioned a Sustainable Transport Report and are looking for opportunities to implement.

We initiated Plastic Free Bewdley which we are looking to revive following a pause during and following covid.


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