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Группа видения Сидмута

Last Updated: 206 days ago
Неконституированный (группа индивидов)
Очень активный
  • Выращивание населения
  • Другие продовольственные проекты
  • Природа
  • Общественный центр или деятельность
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Искусство / творчество
  • Видение сообщества / работа с воображением
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Проекты в области местной экономики или новой экономики
  • Обмен, ремонт или повторное использование
  • Энергия
  • Транспорт
  • Другое

The Vision Group for Sidmouth has been an active part of Sid Valley life for almost two decades. Set up in 2005 it is now a determinedly independent and non-political group. We work both alone and with local people, organisations and Councils, taking up initiatives to improve or protect Sidmouth and the valley; promoting heritage, the local economy, and sustainability. We also try to see all sides of an issue in order to stimulate informed debate on the future development of our area; you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. https://visionforsidmouth.org/

The VGS took on the Sustainable Sidmouth brand when it became a Transition Town in 2008 – as part of the Transition Town movement. The ‘Sustainable Sidmouth’ rubric has become more important over the years as the notion of ‘sustainability’ has gained ground – but also with the launch in 2021 of the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards [which were followed up with the 2023 Awards] https://sidmouth-champions.vgsidmouth.co.uk/

As the Transition Town movement is concerned about the impacts of climate change, the VGS has also launched its SolarPunk Sidmouth website looking at ‘realistic optimism’. https://solarpunk-sidmouth.vgsidmouth.co.uk/

And it has joined with other groups in the Sid Valley – from the Town Council to the Churches to the Science Festival – to set up the Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth. https://caps.vgsidmouth.co.uk/


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