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Последнее обновление: 212 дней назад

On the 4th February 2015 we took the decision to formally establish as a Group. David garlick was elected as the Chair Mel Rogers as Secretary and Kirsty Wilkins as Treasurer. The Group is working on establishing Rules and a Constitution as well as formal Aims and Objectives together with applying to open a bank account.

Formally signing up supporters as Members is the next step and membership forms are being designed for distribution in the next couple of weeks.

In addition plans are to establish a Transition Town Northampton Web site and to get started on action based initiatives.

The positive momentum generated feels good and things should now move forward at a reasonable pace. Do get in touch if you can help, wsh to join us or can offer any support financial, in kind or in time.

Happy days….


David Garlick 13 Feb 2015

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