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Melton Green Transition

Последнее обновление: 10 дней назад
We run a busy Great Big Green Week with local businesses and an Apple Day each year which is growing with each year. guerrilla gardening at three sites in the town.
CIC (community interest company)
Очень активный
  • Выращивание населения
  • Другие продовольственные проекты
  • Природа
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Обмен, ремонт или повторное использование
  • Энергия
  • Транспорт
We are part of Melton Space a repair and tool hire charity. Communicate with the wider public about solar and community run energy. Wilding verges, supplying local food for the Free meals project.

In April 2021 a new initiative was started to gather interested parties in Melton Mowbray to make the town a Transition Town.  We welcome businesses, voluntary organisations and individuals to join us to make Melton a sustainable, people orientated town; to make the town centre vibrant and support local farmers and businesses. If you are interested in being part of this initiative or would like to promote a business or person locally who fulfils the Transition Town criteria, please get in touch via e-mail : melton.transition@gmail.com or look at our website: Melton Transition Website

Вы никогда не измените ситуацию, борясь с существующей реальностью. Чтобы что-то изменить, постройте новую модель, которая сделает существующую модель устаревшей.

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