Иверские деревни Переходный период

- Выращивание населения
- Природа
- Искусство / творчество
- Видение сообщества / работа с воображением
- Создание локальных сетей
- Благополучие или внутренняя трансформация
- Обмен, ремонт или повторное использование
- Энергия
Iver Villages Together – acting local, thinking global
Iver Villages Together (aka Iver Villages Transition) is a group of residents involved in other large-scale community-led projects including affordable homes and wildlife recovery.
Эти проекты продолжаются.
Вдохновленные Движением за переходный период, мы хотим параллельно изучить несколько проектов меньшего масштаба, которые помогут сохранить энтузиазм и сплоченность, а также решить насущные местные проблемы и укрепить существующий социальный капитал.
We currently have a lively – approx 36 strong -WhatsApp group created as a safe place to freely and without judgement – off Facebook therefore ! – to explore high social and environmental value -low cost- high engagement- low carbon – projects which could be run with just two or three members supported by the wider group.
Following our Formation we settled upon Nature Recovery and Wellbeing for the focus of several small scale Micro-Projects . These have in common Min Environmental Damage, Low Cost (time and money) and Max Empowerment and Max Community Impact
These have included so far: Green-Grow-Boxes , Green-Art-Boxes …and Help 4 Households and Carers & Carer WApp mutual support groups.
Working with local Residents Associations we are now making plans for an Ivers Community Assesmbly the first stage of which is the formation of 3 Village Panels for each of the villages to co-design that assembly and how to move ot forward.
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