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Last Updated: 206 days ago
Неконституированный (группа индивидов)
В некоторой степени активный
  • Выращивание населения
  • Общественный центр или деятельность
  • Фестивали, ярмарки или мероприятия
  • Создание локальных сетей
  • Проекты в области местной экономики или новой экономики
  • Благополучие или внутренняя трансформация
  • Деятельность в области социальной справедливости / справедливого перехода
  • Транспорт

Chepstow is a Welsh border town, on the banks of the River Wye in Monmouthshire. Part of the wider Chepstow community is just across the River Wye in Gloucestershire, England. 

Transition Chepstow aims to help create a more resilient, low-carbon, socially just and healthier future for our community in response to a changing climate, resource depletion, rising energy costs and growing inequality.

Transition Chepstow is part of the global Transition Network that supports community-led responses to climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy, building resilience and happiness. The initiative is part of a rapidly growing network of communities across the world.

We believe there is strength in community and we help to facilitate participation through a proactive, get on and do attitude. If we want something to happen we help to make it happen through working with local individuals, groups and authorities.


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