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Transição Verde de Crowborough

Última atualização: 211 dias atrás
Sept 2021
Não constituído (um grupo de indivíduos)
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento comunitário
  • Outros projectos alimentares
  • Natureza
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Arte / criatividade
  • Projectos de juventude ou educação
  • Partilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
  • Energia
  • Transporte
  • Outros
Repair Cafe: Community Pantry:

Green Transition Crowborough is a transition initiative that was launched in Crowborough, East Sussex, UK on 2nd September 2021. It brought together a number of existing groups that had worked on promoting a sustainable lifestyle and individual responsibility and sustainable practices in growing food and in horticulture and also added new groups working on energy and transport, wildlife and bio-diversity and art and creativity. It supports a Repair Cafe and a Community Pantry and works with local schools, businesses and sport clubs to help them to become more sustainable. We have been inspired by our neighbours in Transition Town Lewes.

Contacto Transição Verde de Crowborough

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