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Transitie Castricum

Last Updated: 132 days ago
Sem Hub
We are working with other groups (tree group, green hub, repair cafe, soup cafe, meer-bomen-nu, zere waste, CALorie energy, …) with other volunteers.
Não constituído (um grupo de indivíduos)
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento comunitário
  • Outros projectos alimentares
  • Natureza
  • Centro ou actividades comunitárias
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Arte / criatividade
  • Visionamento comunitário / trabalho de imaginação
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Projectos de economia local ou de nova economia
  • Bem-estar ou Transição Interior
  • Projectos de juventude ou educação
  • Partilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
  • Energia
  • Transporte
  • Outros
To many :-)
All these major problems of economic crisis, depletion of fossil fuels and climate change can seem overwhelming. It might feel like you can't do a thing as an ordinary citizen. But we know that it is possible to do something, Castricummers can start working on solutions that we will organize by ourselves. The Transition concept appeals to our own insights, our wisdom, creativity and experiences. It is about the power of the local community.

Contacto Transitie Castricum

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