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Olst in Transitie

Last Updated: 793 days ago
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Olst in Transitie was founded in january 2016. We have a Core Team of 8 committed people, divided over 5 interconnected domains of interest: Energy, Food, Consumerism, Waste & Resources, and REconomy. Within these domains we have a wide range of working groups, activities, projects and spin-off organisations.

Olst is a village of 5,500 inhabitants in the Eastern part of the Netherlands. It is part of a greater municipality of some 18,000 inhabitants, living in a rural area with a total of 4 villages and 8 hamlets. The River IJssel is a dominant natural feature. At the southern border of Olst, the establishment in 2012 of the Aardehuizen ecovillage has been an important impulse for the social, cultural and environmentalist activities in the wider community.

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