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Transição Glen Eira

Última atualização: 412 dias atrás
We are just starting up after a very long hiatus. New volunteers and interested people welcome.
Não constituído (um grupo de indivíduos)
Não ativo
  • Crescimento comunitário
  • Outros projectos alimentares
  • Natureza
  • Centro ou actividades comunitárias
  • Festivais, feiras ou eventos
  • Arte / criatividade
  • Visionamento comunitário / trabalho de imaginação
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Projectos de economia local ou de nova economia
  • Bem-estar ou Transição Interior
  • Justiça social / Actividades de transição justa
  • Projectos de juventude ou educação
  • Partilhar, reparar ou reutilizar
  • Energia
  • Transporte
We are in planning stages for a festival but need some more hands on deck.

We cover the Glen Eira City Council zone in Melbourne, Australia.

It is our intention to set up a Sustainability Festival and that it become an annual or bi-annual activity. With growing interest and concerns about some factors impacting sustainable living, it is ow time to showcase what is being done, what can be done better and things that need an urgent movement.

We intend to be positive and proactive about the situation. People need gentle coaxing to learn that changes needed are not hard and can be easily planned and implemented.

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