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Laatst bijgewerkt: 203 dagen geleden
Ongeconstitueerd (een groep individuen)
Enigszins actief
  • Groeiende gemeenschap
  • Andere voedselprojecten
  • Natuur
  • Gemeenschapshub of activiteiten
  • Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
  • Lokale netwerken opbouwen
  • Projecten lokale economie of nieuwe economie
  • Delen, repareren of hergebruiken
  • Energie

We are a group of people living in Highbury, in London, whose aim is to help each other, and others, to live more sustainably. We are linked to the Transition Towns Network, which has community initiatives around Britain and across the world.

These communities have started up projects related to food, transport, energy, education, housing, waste, the arts, and others, as small-scale, local responses to the global challenges of climate change, economic hardship and shrinking supplies of cheap energy and resources. Together, these small-scale responses make up something much bigger, and help show the way forward for governments, business and the rest of us.

We try to find ways of living that are based on more localised food production, more sustainable energy sources, thriving local economies and an enlivened sense of community. We will use local resources and local knowledge to achieve this. We believe this will result in a better quality of life; one that is more fulfilling, socially connected and resilient; and takes less of a toll on the planet that sustains us. Although it is a challenge to come up with city-based solutions, there is plenty of inspiration out there.

Transition groups have discovered that in the face of many reasons to despair (climate change, global inequality, and the conflicts and population displacements these cause) it can be invigorating to seek out ways to come together and build positive solutions. Moving to a different way of thinking can involve a lot of questioning and anxiety and a transition network is also a way of supporting each other to make a shift and develop personal resilience.

So what does this mean in Highbury? We meet, garden and run a Green on the Screen documentary season. We have turned our website ( into a resource to help people reduce their carbon footprint. But it can mean whatever local people want it to mean. If you’ve got an idea for making Highbury a friendlier and more sustainable place we want to help make it happen; get in touch via or come along to one of our events.

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