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Dummerston, Vermont

Last Updated: 795 days ago

Dummerston is a community of approximately 1900 people living in a territory of 30 square miles in Southeastern Vermont. It is bordered by five other small towns and villages: Brattleboro, Putney, Marlboro, Newfane and Brookline. (There is a very active Transition Initiatve in Putney, and a Transtion Inititative is also underway in Brattleboro.) Dummerston’s eastern boundary is the Connecticutt River, which also serves as the boundary with New Hampshire.

The name Dummerston was first applied to settlements on parts of this land in 1716. The area is primarily rich farmland with hills and forests, with two state roads that are dotted with small businesses. We already have several Community Supported Agriculture farms, several active farmstands, and several farms participating in local farmers’ markets. Our town energy committee just won a state award for energy conservation, and we have a strong and active local government, historical society, elementary school, library, and several active community gathering spaces. Many writers, artists, and educators live in the community.

A local Transition Training was held December 2011 at the Dummerston Congregational Church; among the 30 participants were 8 Dummerston residents who helped organize montly Dummerston Transition awareness and community building events beginning in January 2012. 

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