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Laatst bijgewerkt: 215 dagen geleden
Ongeconstitueerd (een groep individuen)
Enigszins actief
  • Groeiende gemeenschap
  • Natuur
  • Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
  • Lokale netwerken opbouwen
  • Delen, repareren of hergebruiken
  • Energie
We are a small but active group in Ashtead village. We work with other local groups such as Sustainable Epsom and Ewell, Surrey Wildflowering Project, Circular Dorking, Friends of the River Mole. We write articles for our Local Pages on sustainability locally and we hold free talks to promote projects such as the Blue Hearts campaign and we work to create local solutions to improve quality of life by enabling the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon lifestyle and economy. This year we held a  successful Swapshop in the Village Hall, which we will repeat again later in the year. We have a webpage on Ashtead Residents’ Association website – a Facebook page – Ashtead Blue Hearts FB page – This is a grass-roots initiative. We welcome creative, practical ideas and involvement from all people in the Ashtead area.

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