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Last Updated: 806 days ago
Transition Palo Alto is slowly transforming from an idea into an organization.  At this point we know that we want to promote the transition toward a more localized economy, in which the community develops more resilient food, transport, energy, and other systems.  As The Transition Handbook argues, that may be the best strategy for dealing with the drastic changes that will be forced by peak oil, climate change, financial instability, and other aspects of living beyond the planet’s capacity to support us.   It is still very unclear what activities we want to pursue.  As first steps we have been organizing film series with discussions (in partnership with Transition Silicon Valley and other organizations), we started a website at http://transitionpaloalto.org/, we studied The Transition Handbook, and several of us attended Transition Training.  It’s time to discuss what other activities we want to aim for, and what our overall approach should be. 