Last Updated: 285 days ago
Transition Berkeley has a Board of Directors that manage the organization and plan projects and activities. We regularly host our own events as well as participate in citywide events. Participation can range from a small group to hundreds of community members.
Transition Berkeley was formed in 2011.
Transition Berkeley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax exempt.
- コミュニティの成長
- その他の食品プロジェクト
- 自然
- コミュニティ・ハブまたは活動
- フェスティバル、見本市、イベント
- アート/創造性
- コミュニティ・ビジョン/イマジネーション・ワーク
- 地域ネットワークの構築
- 地域経済または新経済プロジェクト
- ウェルビーイング、あるいは内なる移行
- 社会正義/公正な移行活動
- 青少年または教育プロジェクト
- 共有、修理、再利用
- エネルギー
- 輸送
Transition Berkeley activities and projects emerge through volunteer interests and collaborations. See our website for updates.
Examples of our activities include:
-Crop Swap & Share events
-Skill & Idea Share events
-Community Repair Events
-Native Pollinator Gardens in parks & schools
-Little Native Seed Libraries
-Local advocacy related to our mission
Transition Berkeley was founded in 2011 as the 110th official Transition Initiative in the U.S. Our mission is to bring neighbors and community members together to build a more equitable, regenerative, self-reliant future for Berkeley. We envision a strong, diverse local economy, with greatly reduced dependence on fossil fuels, and a healthy, cooperative, rewarding community life.