Transizione Isola Nera
Ultimo aggiornamento: 105 giorni fa
Molto attivo
- Coltivazione comunitaria
- Altri progetti alimentari
- Centro di aggregazione o attività comunitarie
- Festival, fiere o eventi
- Condividere, riparare o riutilizzare
- Energia
- Trasporto
Monthly community markets in three villages
'Local Larder' website/database of Black Isle food producers and providers
Annual Potato Day - major community and fundraising event
Two major funded projects with part time staff
Highland Good Food Partnership
Highland Community Waste Partnership
Monthly Repair Cafe and regular themed Climate Conversation Cafes
Promotion of Active Travel walking / wheeling routes between villages
Involved in preparation of Black Isle Place Plan
Member of Highlands & Islands Climate Hub, Highland Third Sector
Interface, Circular Communities Scotland. Future Communities
Highlsnds & Islands