Hub: England & Wales
No Hub
Transition in England and Wales is supported by the Transition Together project.
Transition Together supports the Transition movement across Britain to develop and grow. We do this through helping groups to connect and learn from one another, amplifying inspiring stories, giving out seed funding grants, our online networking space, Vive, and running workshops and events. We will also support the emergence of a democratically representative structure, or Hub, that can coordinate the movement across England and Wales.
Mae Transition Together yn cefnogi’r mudiad Trawsnewid ar draws Prydain Ii ddatblygu a thyfu. Gwneir hyn drwy helpu grwpiau i gysylltu ag a dysgu gan ei gilydd, rhannu straeon ysbrydol, ein gofod rhwydweithio ar-lein Vive, dosbarthu grantiau cyllid sbarduno a rhedeg gweithdai a digwyddiadau. Byddwn hefyd yn cefnogi datblygu strwythur cynrychioladol o safbwynt democrataidd sy’n gallu cydlynu’r mudiad ar draws Cymru a Lloegr.
Currently, there is also a London & SE Hub a volunteer supported Hub that hosts groups on Vive and Facebook and organises face to face gatherings in London.
Displaying 1-233 of 233. Ordered by most recently updated.