Lucavsala közösség
Last Updated: 312 days ago
Valamelyest aktív
- Közösségi növekedés
- Természet
- Fesztiválok, vásárok vagy rendezvények
- Ifjúsági vagy oktatási projektek
Lucavsala island community is in capital city of Latvia in Riga at island- Lucavsala.
At this island there have been gardens for 100 and more years.
We have common gardens and we have started building a community house. We want to make a square foot gardens. And make open space for everyone. We want to make a permaculture school and market where everyone can buy a local grown food.
At Bieķensala we have direct buying group and want to make a seeds bank and changing seeds sistem.
At Mūkusala we have direct buying group want to make a cultur environment history research center.